Sunday, 20 April 2014

WOWZA; Aurora by piCture pOlish

A month or two back I discovered the incredible piCture pOlish, a nail polish brand based in Australia. I fell head over heels in love with Majesty, but at the time couldn't spend the money on it. Soon after I noticed a lot of bloggers losing their minds over a little gem name Aurora, a limited edition colour shifting polish. When I saw the swatches for it I knew I had to have it (you'll see why in a second). But of course life went a little wrong and due to circumstances I won't go into, by the time I was able to purchase it, it was out of stock. So you can imagine my delight when, a couple of weeks ago, piCture pOlish restocked their limited editions with the final stock they had. So on release day I was sat at my computer eagerly awaiting the polishes to go live again. So I guess long story short is, I finally have my hands on Aurora! I have quite a picture heavy post for you today but I think it's worth it. Follow the jump to see this beauty in action!

Friday, 11 April 2014

The Final Three: Barry M Silk Effects; Truffle, Meadow & Pearl

I feel like I haven't posted here for ages somehow and yet, funnily enough, I think it was only a few days ago. Perhaps it's because everything I've posted in the past week and a half has been drafted up in advanced. Anyways, I'm back again with the final three Barry M Silk Effects from my collection. Today I'm bringing you Truffle, Meadow and Pearl. I must say I liked these shades more than I anticipated. I was a little skeptical about Pearl, the white of the collection, and when I started applying Truffle, a pale brown/tan colour, I wondered if I had made a mistake. Read on to see how pleasantly surprised I was...

Monday, 7 April 2014

Book of the Week; Wicked

So I was sat here at my laptop editing my last nail polish post thinking about what I could use to split up all the swatch posts. I then sat back in my chair and began looking at my hundred strong book collection. It took me a while to realise that the answer was quite literally staring me in the face. So, yes, I have decided to try and do a book of the week each week. This could include a recent finish but will more than likely come from my massive list of already read books as I don't think I could complete reading a book every week. So of course I then had to come up with a book to talk about. It didn't take much thinking about as my mind immediately went to one of my most recent finishes, Wicked, written by Gregory Maquire. Follow the jump for a, hopefully, spoiler free post!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Silk Number Two; Barry M Silk Effects: Heather

Round 2

I'm here with my second round of Barry M Silk Effect polishes however, this time I've got Heather to show you. I have a serious obsession with these polishes. For every new colour I swatch I fall even more in love with them. I think it's the uniqueness of them and my nails feel so fresh in the pretty spring colours. Follow the jump for more...
Barry M Silk Effects in Heather