Saturday, 29 March 2014

Something Different; Barry M Silk Nail Effects: Mist

So far here in my little pocket of Wonderland I've stuck very much to posting my photographs and rambling about the goings on in my life. I had the idea last year to also use my blog as a way of talking about different things such as my rather large collection of nail polishes, music and films I love or books I have particularly enjoyed. It's quite obviously taken me a while to put my plan into action but it's better late than never. So I thought to kicks things off I would rave about a nail polish I bought I few weeks back.
Barry M Silk Effect in Mist
Follow the jump for more

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Spring has Sprung

So it's been over a week since my return post and, I know, I stated that I would be back with more posts and hopefully with more consistency. Over a week later I'm finally here with a second post. (Once again, bad, bad blogger) Regardless I've finally figured out what this post would be a couple of days ago whilst out in amongst nature with my camera. If you've seen some of my older posts you'll know that I enjoy photography a great deal however to say my inspiration had run dry over the past few months would be a serious understatement. I seemed to be going out with camera in tow, only to find that nothing caught my interest and I would return home with very little to show for my little adventure. However these past few weeks seem to have seen the very slow return of inspiration and so I've felt more inclined to take my camera out with me on my daily walks with my mum. So I guess what I'm trying to say with this incredibly long story is that I have some photographs to bring to you today.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

My Oh My Who Could This Be?

Looking Back...

It's amazing, really, how much can change in just two years. I've been sat here at my laptop for the past 20 minutes thinking about the two years that have past since I last waffled on about god-knows-what here on this blog. I feel like, as an individual, I have changed a lot out of necessity for the sake of my own state of mind. I pushed myself through two years of Sixth Form and passed my A Levels, of course ending those two years thinking, "What the hell do I do now?" I developed an obsession with nail polish, racking up a rather large collection of pretty colours relatively quickly. I still read and buy far too many books and still refuse to appologise for it. I turned 18 in 2012 and became a tattooed fiend. I've also become a lot more closed off, talking less about how I feel and keeping that more to myself. I've grown cynical out of disappointment and heartache and yet still act like a wonder struck little kid because that's just who I am at heart.
tattooed//my to-read pile//yesterdays nail polish haul